6. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 56-57-58 MEB Yayınları

6. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Downtown Metni Etkinlik Cevapları Sayfa 56, 57, 58

6. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Downtown Metni Etkinlik Cevapları

“6. Sınıf Ä°ngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 56-57-58 MEB Yayınları”

6. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 56-57-58

A. Read the text. Correct and rewrite the sentences according to the text.

A. Metni okuyun. Cümleleri metne göre düzeltip yeniden yazın.

Hi! I’m Mete. Today, we are having a barbeque party. My uncle, Celal and his family are also here with us. My uncle is older than my father.
My father is preparing the barbeque with my uncle. My mother and my cousins are setting the table. My cousins’ names are Çınar and Pelin. Pelin is taller and slimmer than Çınar.
My grandpa is taking a nap and my grandma is knitting right now. My sister and I are playing football at the moment. I’m younger than my sister, but I am faster than her.

1. We are having a birthday party.

Cevap : We are having a barbeque party.

2. My uncle is younger than my father.

Cevap : My uncle is older than my father.

3. Pelin is shorter and thinner than Çınar.

Cevap : Pelin is taller and simmer than Çınar

4. My grandmother is sleeping

Cevap : My grandmother is knitting at the moment.

5. My sister and I are playing chess.

Cevap : My sister and I are playing football at the moment.

6. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 57 Cevapları

B. Read the text on page 56 again and answer the questions.

B. 56. sayfadaki metni tekrar okuyun ve soruları cevaplayın.

1. Are Mete’s cousins preparing the barbeque?

Cevap : No, they are preparing the table.

2. Is Mete younger than his sister?

Cevap : Yes, Mete is younger than his sister.

3. What is Mete’s grandpa doing?

Cevap : Mete’s grandpa is taking a nap.

4. Who is knitting right now?

Cevap : Mete’s grandma is knitting right now.

5. Who is faster? Mete or his sister?

Cevap : Buğra can’t join the party because he is ill.

SONG TÄ°ME : Listen to the chant and complete.

ŞARKI ZAMANI : İlahiyi dinleyin ve tamamlayın.

Cevap :

Up, down
Up and down
Stands a …kioks….
In the ….downtown……. .
Country or city?
Which is …busy…..?
It’s not easy
Living in a …city… .

6. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 58 Cevapları

A. Prepare a poster about the city and village life. Make sentences about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city and in a village.

A. Şehir ve köy yaşamını anlatan bir poster hazırlayın. Şehirde ve köyde yaşamanın avantaj ve dezavantajlarını anlatan cümleler kurun.

Cevap :

In city life, you can find more about your needs.

In village life, you can eat healthier.

A. B. Form two groups in the class.

Present your posters.

Discuss which one is better? Living in a city or in a village? Why?

A. B. Sınıfta iki grup oluşturun.

Posterlerinizi sunun.

Hangisinin daha iyi olduğunu tartışın? Şehirde mi yoksa köyde mi yaşıyorsunuz? Neden?

Cevap :

“6. Sınıf Ä°ngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 56-57-58 Cevapları”


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