7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 18-19-20 MEB Yayınları

7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Appearance and Personality Metni Etkinlik Cevapları Sayfa 18, 19, 20

7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Appearance and Personality Metni Etkinlik Cevapları

“7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 18-19-20 MEB Yayınları”

7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 18-19-20

1. Group the adjectives. 

1. Sıfatları gruplandırın.

Cevap :


Of medium height



2. Complete the statements with the adjectives in the box. There is an extra one. 

2. İfadeleri kutucuktaki sıfatlarla tamamlayınız. Fazladan bir tane daha var.

Cevap :

1.  Merlin is never late for the meetings. He is always punctual.

2. My brother often breaks things in the kitchen. He’s really clumsy.

3. Melinda is more outgoing than me. She has a lot of friends and she often meets them.

4. Julia is a beautiful woman with her long wavy blonde hair and big blue eyes.

5. I usually see James studying and reading. He is a hardworking student.

6. Liz always thinks of herself first. She is selfish.

7. You can’t change Daniel’s mind easily. He is very stubborn.

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 19 Cevapları

3. Read the text and write “Jenny” or “Carol”. 

3. Metni okuyun ve “Jenny” veya “Carol” yazın.

Hi, I’m Mark. I live in New York City. I have two sisters. Carol is 19 and Jenny is 16 years old. Jenny is sometimes late to school, but she is very clever. She is very good at science and technology. She also helps us with our homework. She is a shy girl. She prefers reading books and listening to music to going out with her friends. Carol is social and she has a lot of friends. She meets them after school. She is a funny girl and she always makes jokes. She is never late to school. Everybody loves her very much.

Cevap :

  1. Jenny is younger than Carol.
  2. Carol is more punctual than Jenny.
  3. Jenny is smarter than Carol.
  4. Carol is more outgoing than Jenny.
  5. Carol is more cheerful than Jenny.

4. Look at the pictures and make comparative statements. 

4. Resimlere bakın ve karşılaştırmalı açıklamalar yapın.

Cevap :

“7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 18-19 Cevapları”

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 20 Cevapları

Find/Draw the pictures of the new words in this unit. Write the meanings under the pictures. 

Bu ünitedeki yeni kelimelerin resimlerini bulun/çizin. Anlamlarını resimlerin altına yazınız.

Cevap :

1. Sıra; hair, headscarf, curly
2. Sıra; blonde hair, glasses, science club
3. Sıra; lidrary, celebrity, hardworking
4. Sıra; stubborn


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